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Monday, 4 February 2013

Apps to help you lose & maintain weight

It's the second month in 2013, are you still committed to your New year's resolutions? Losing and maintaining weight are some of  the most common resolutions, which I believe could be really time consuming in terms of mapping out your meals, looking up for calories information for all your foods, planning out intense workouts. But these days, who has the time? Although you have to invest some hard work to lose and maintain weight, it doesn't have to be too time consuming. There are some apps that can help you keep track of what to eat, plan meals, map out work out sessions and more. Below are some free apps I came across.

My Pilates Guru
This is a free app that works better in conjunction with the My Pilates Guru book to give you a complete health package but the app itself is quite rich in exercise and can be filtered by category  (i.e neutral spine & pelvis, stomach, joint mobility, stretching etc) and by level (i.e beginner, intermediate & advanced). It can be use to create, save and adapt your own sessions, monitor your activity and progress.


I personally recommend this app, you can download it to your iphone from app store 

0-200 Sit Ups
I am a fan of this app, "200 Sit Up and you are". The sit ups 0-200 program will take you from no exercising all the way to doing 200 sit ups. The program takes 10 weeks, is built for beginners and is gradual, consistent and fun  It has an audio instruction feature that will guide you through successive steps and achievements as you go, all the way to 200 sit ups.


My Net Diary 
It works within an account- which means you have to create an account for it but it is free. My Net diary lets you quickly check calories, nutrients and food score. It's a whopping 95,000 foods at your fingertips. Everyone should 


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